Some topics are lofty and require deep thought, others may be trivial yet still occupy a curious mind. Most are enhanced by a glass of amber light.
Here we’ll share our thoughts and insight into whisky, it’s larger landscape as well as the Dramface environment.
Malternatives Part 1: Rum 101
After his epic Whisky & Wine 101 masterpiece, Ainsley swings in with the first chapter of his follow up on Malternatives: this is a whisky-lovers guide to rum!
Think Twice
With the dynamics of whisky changing fast, and bulk whisky sales and opportunities suddenly on the cards, Fletcher sees some challenges ahead. He shares a few concerns for those tempted.
The Blender Files: Euan Campbell
Arthur shares his fourth salvo in our series with the whisky makers. This time, he discusses whisky creation with our first indie; Euan Campbell of SMWS features in The Blender Files.
Team Dramface Whiskies of 2024
The team gather to put forward their stand-out whiskies of 2024 & it seems like they’ve covered most of the spectrum. Very personal, very individual, very fun and very typically Dramface. Happy Christmas!
Glasgow Whisky Festival 2024
Our Dramface hiatus is interrupted as Doog somehow manages to summon the energy to share why many of the team are ghosts after a legendary weekend.
Whisky & Wine 101
Hailing from Paris and loving whisky AND wine, Ainsley gives us a barnstormer feature we all can benefit from; a deep yet succinct 101 cheat-sheet for all things wine-related in whisky.
Time to Wake Up
After the devastating export figures issued recently by the SWA, scotch faces turbulent seas ahead. Fletcher asks hard questions about greed, strategy and the potential of a whisky ocean.
The Blender Files: Michael Henry
Arthur continues his exploration to better understand a little more about industry roles, specifically the whisky makers. This time, for the third in the series, it’s the alchemist of Loch Lomond Group Michael Henry and The Blender Files.
Cadenhead’s Warehouse Tasting
After last week’s tales of a morning in Campbeltown blending his own whisky at Cadenhead’s, Dougie tackles the afternoon by way of their warehouse tasting. Stamina, plot twists and drams a-plenty.
Cadenhead’s Blending Lab Experience
Dougie’s annual swashbucking diversion to uncover the whisky treats of Scotland’s West Coast this time takes him back to Campbeltown, where he signs up for Cadenhead’s Blending Lab. So vivid you’ll swear you were there.
The Scale of Modern Scotch Whisky
A thought piece from Ramsay, as he considers the expansion in scotch whisky production in the last decade, he decides to try to put a number on it. It’s a lot.
The Blender Files: Scott Adamson
In Arthur’s fascination to understand a little more about industry roles, he’s reaching out to the folk on the front lines. This is Scott Adamson of Tomatin & Cù Bòcan, the second in his series of The Blender Files.
Fife Whisky Festival 2024
Not for the first time, Doog brings us a breathless and vivid summary of a truly brilliant grass-roots festival and a perfect whisky day, but this time he’s on the inside.
The Colour of Whisky
In an examination of what is permitted and what is not when it comes to additives in scotch whisky, Fletcher laments the loss of an old friend; paxarette.
The Blender Files: Jack Lowrie
In Arthur’s fascination to understand a little more about industry roles, he’s reaching out to the folk on the front lines. This is Jack Lowrie of Dornoch, the first in his series of The Blender Files. If you like it, let him know, he’s busying up others!
It’s the people, stupid.
What is it that makes whisky such a blast? Well, Fletcher thinks it’s the very thing that is currently being undervalued and under appreciated and everyone at Dramface agrees. We think you will too.
Keeping up with the Newborns
In a follow-up pice to his “Who Will Buy All This Scotch Whisky?”, Fletch asks “Who Will Buy All This New Whisky?” Every bit as hard-hitting, he shares his concerns for the newborns.
Who will buy all this Scotch Whisky?
In considering the sheer amount of scotch whisky as we breach 2024, Fletcher crunches the numbers, tastes the wind, senses the trends and discovers things are woefully out of kilter.
Team Dramface - Highlights Reel of 2023
Team Dramface gather for a last-minute reflection on their own personal 2023’s as well as their takes on being part of this little spot in the Whiskyverse. Happy Christmas from all of us!
Glasgow Festival Weekend 2023
Whisky festivals and what they actually mean. Dougie’s breathless resume that reads like a brilliant mental health awareness post for those who have yet to discover what it’s actually alway about.