We believe scoring is important
Scoring on Dramface
Honesty, transparency and integrity are some of the key values we’ve embedded into the DNA of Dramface. Scoring is a contentious issue, and how you score feeds into the debate.
As a group, we think scoring is the right thing to do. It gives readers a quick idea of our reaction, if that’s what they’re looking for. It’s obviously not the full story, though. Those of you who want to read our forensic tasting notes or Shakespearean preambles are also catered for.
Scoring can be quite a personal thing, but it’s still important. To that end, we’ve put it at the top of our articles. You’ll know what we gave a whisky right from the off — it’s up to you whether you want to read on and discover how we arrived at that conclusion, and if it’s the whisky for you.
We’ve implemented the 1-10 scale, because it’s simple and accessible. 5 is average, but it’s important to note that there’s nothing wrong with an average, well-priced whisky.
Got it? Then let’s start at the top.
10/10. Whisky Nirvana
This is the pinnacle, it’s what we’re all pursuing in whisky - the perfect dram.
A rare thing indeed. In order for this to be awarded, a tear was shed.
9/10. Exceptional
Remarkable. Let’s not focus on why this wasn’t a 10, let’s just enjoy that these exist and share them while we can.
This score celebrates a whisky that is truly worth seeking.
8/10. Something Special
An excellent choice and well worth purchasing at the retail price.
Likely to go on to be held in high regard. Beautiful whisky to savour.
7/10. Very Good Indeed
This isn’t the 0-100 scale, so this isn’t the new average. This is well above average.
This has given us real pleasure and is considered very worthy of your time.
6/10. Good Stuff
Priced fairly, this is encouraged as a solid purchase in these heady times.
We predict this may be our most given out score. This mark measures where we think the majority lie today.
5/10. Average. In a Good Way
It has flashes of promise and at least one memorable note but sits comfortably in the middle of the pack.
Represents many of today’s modern whisky releases.
4/10. Some Promise
These whiskies have some redeeming qualities but annoyingly haven’t come together as we’d hoped,
just slipping down the pecking order. Work required.
3/10. Disappointing
Some hints of promises but ultimately pretty poor and hindered by deficiencies.
These are the kind of releases we’re here to help you avoid. Not as rare as we’d like.
2/10. Avoid
Just barely scraping off the bottom of the barrel. A flat-line in liquid form.
Dull, difficult to find any positives and really not worthy of anyone’s attention.
1/10. Should Not Exist
Don’t bother. Not even as a curiosity. Don’t encourage this trash.
If quality control does its job, this should be a rare thing, but it makes us consider adding a zero.