Tyree Kai
I fell for whisky off the back of diehard craft beer fandom. Ever since, the exploration of this magnificent spirit's flavours, origins and purposes has been an obsessive pursuit comparable to Ahab's white whale.
Leaving no stone unturned, nor any corks un-popped, I invite you to tag along to see the incremental devolution of a once reasonable(ish) man into a ravening, matted-hair ghoul hell-bent on stripping the mysteries of Uisge Beatha to the naked, glistening bone.
Tyree’s Articles & Contributions
My Biggest Surprises
Two particularly positive pieces from the team here at Dramface, plus a pretty bittersweet entry.
Kilkerran 8CS
Springbank 10
Mannochmore 13
The Doog is everywhere all at once with his writing and this piece exemplifies that tremendously. Arguably our most relatable writer, Mr. Crystal blends flowing prose with unmistakable clarity, kitchen science with joyous frivolity and personal opinion with razor-sharp observation.
El Capitano Wally tackles one of the most persistent issues of modern whiskydom with a tenacious hopefulness while still voicing a widely shared sense of loss. A clear message we ought take to heart- pop your corks, live today.
Reading Dallas' reviews frequently feels like a Shakespearian recital of RATM's 'Killing In The Name Of'; eloquent thought delivered with a scathing, belligerent cynicism born of veteran whisky experience. Check the hype culture at the door, listen to your palate.
Highest Scores.
Port Ellen 25yo (Bonus review)
An unforgettable whisky to celebrate an immensely special day

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