Dramface Podcast Twelve

Whisky-Drinker’s Whisky, Travel, Taste And Toast.

We’re Not Going Out With a Bang

We’re not going out with a bang.

Because it’s not the last podcast, only the last for this season. We’ll be back later in the year, so consider this going out with a ‘pop’ instead. We invite Ben to join Gregor, Scotty, Rob and Roy for our real ‘edgy’ list of topics. Like our preferred method of making toast.

We do keep things very whisky focused though and quickly bring it back to cover whiskies that may take a little understanding, what whisky to pair with seafood, the effect of Scotland on whisky pilgrims, and how we might go about creating our own distillery.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the podcast so far. We’ve loved bringing it. Let us know how we landed on your ears during the first season and what we might change going forward. Longer? Shorter? Guests picks?

This was released early to Dramface Members. Thank you for your support!

Already a Dramface Member? Invite yourself into the podcast and win yourself a shirt from the Dramface Store. The first Dramophone comment we use on the upcoming recording of the next podcast will snag a shirt and size of their choice. Hit the record button!

Music credit: That First Dram by Tom Good

Gregor McWee

Gregor takes on the role of our readership as he hosts our occasional podcasts. Originally hailing form Scotland’s capital Edinburgh, he is now one of those insufferable expats living elsewhere. In Gregor’s case it’s the West coast of the US where he draws pictures of shoes for a living. He’s hosting for us simply because he was available.


Dramface Podcast Thirteen


Dramface Podcast Eleven