Scotch Whisky Gilbert Gunn Scotch Whisky Gilbert Gunn

Dalmore Cigar Malt

An occasional visit from Gilbert to ask us for our trust. He’s finding it difficult not to like a bottle that’s almost universally ignored, or even disliked. He digs beyond the tacky to work out why.

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Scotch Whisky Fletcher Finlay Scotch Whisky Fletcher Finlay

Fettercairn 16yo

Considering the role of malt whisky today versus what it was in the very recent past, Fletcher goes looking for something akin to Batman; that which is capable of being more than just one thing.

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Scotch Whisky Wally Macaulay Scotch Whisky Wally Macaulay

Invergordon 25yo

How might we view this mature yet affordable whisky in the future? Wally decides it needs to be celebrated now - before it’s gone and relegated to a nostalgic recollection of what once was possible.

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Scotch Whisky Broddy Balfour Scotch Whisky Broddy Balfour

Jura Distillery Cask

Jura official releases are responsible for kick-starting whisky interest in thousands, even if they can’t hold it. Broddy is just one. He chases an auction win to ignite some Jura nostalgia. What a find!

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