Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw

Old Forester 1910

Some days are tougher than others; even for a suit in a courtroom. Our resident lawyer sits with his concerned neighbour after a tough day and leans on a generous Old Forester 1910 for his catharsis.

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Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw

New Riff Single Barrel

Ogilvie has the luxury of being able to custom order almost anything from his local liquor store. In these days of next-day delivery, the wait time for the New Riff Single Barrel will shock you.

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Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw

Baby Jane Straight Bourbon

Ogilvie’ quiet time; cosied in an armchair, reflecting on all that whisky has brought along. While he pines for a better scotch selection, he makes do with a tasty Baby Jane Bourbon to usher in the holidays.

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Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw

Baker’s 7

In a breakaway move, the Dramface Colonials conspire at their water cooler, setting up their own splinter cell. Happily, it results in a virtual sipping session and collaborative review of this Baker’s 7 Bourbon.

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Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw

Heaven Hill 7yo

Another cracking Ogilvie tale of whiskey folks from the South, and a little bottled-in-bond bourbon edyacashun woven in. Heaven Hill’s 7yo Kentucky Straight in the glass.

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Scotch Whisky Hamish Frasier Scotch Whisky Hamish Frasier

Old Forester 1920 - Prohibition Style

Finally snagging himself an Old Forester 1920, Hamish wonders why there aren’t more nods to the past in today’s whisky making excitement. As he ponders, he dives into his Glencairn time machine and skips back 100 years to US Prohibition time.

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Scotch Whisky Dougie Crystal Scotch Whisky Dougie Crystal

Maker’s Mark KSBW

As we swing into boxing day, Doog finds an appropriate dram to utterly switch off with. The fact that he can pick it up for the equivalent of mere buttons, in whiskey terms, sweetens the already sweet deal.

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