Podcast Thirty One

500 Reviews & 500 More. (The Video One)

This is not a response to The Dramface Colonials Podcast.*

We promised you an appropriate return.

To celebrate Dramface reaching its 1,000 reviews milestone we thought it'd be a good idea to attempt a video edit this time around.

Our editor is work-shy, so he might decide this is a one off, we'll see. If you enjoy this new format then hop on with the words of encouragement for future episodes to feature our (Dram)faces. Also, remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can also chime in on the comments.

This episode is a little self-indulgent, given the milestone, but we wander off to discuss the challenges of scoring as well as celebrating where we're at in whisky right now, like, today. Then, after we pause to mark 1k reviews, we all fall out with Roy over the I Am A Distillery result. Shocking behaviour.

We can’t wait for your feedback on this one.

Thank you for your amazing support! Enjoy!

Voting for the 2024 OSWAs closes on the 20th - only a few days remain! Vote here.

*Totally a response to the Dramface Colonials Podcast.


This was released early to Dramface Members first. Thank you for your support!

Already a Dramface Member? Invite yourself into the podcast with the Dramophone and you could feature in a future podcast.

Music credit: That First Dram by Tom Good


Watch here or subscribe over on YouTube


Audio is still a thing though 👇

Dramface Podcast Thirty One
Gregor/Team Dramface
Gregor McWee

Gregor takes on the role of our readership as he hosts our occasional podcasts. Originally hailing form Scotland’s capital Edinburgh, he is now one of those insufferable expats living elsewhere. In Gregor’s case it’s the West coast of the US where he draws pictures of shoes for a living. He’s hosting for us simply because he was available.


Podcast Thirty Two


Colonials Podcast Ep.2