Ardnamurchan AD/10
In reflective mode, Dougie does what we need him to do: close out the year with a retrospective via Ardnamurchan. AD/10, Sauternes and AD/Venturers all up for grabs. He pulls in Ainsley to help out.
Ardnamurchan Paul Launois 2024
An epic reflection on a year of upheaval, Dougie reviews the new release of the bottle that seemed to help catapult his move out West. Ardnamurchan’s Paul Launois 4th release.
Ardnamurchan Paul Launois
An experimental camper van trip around Scotland’s west coast affords Dougie the chance to get to know an excellent release from Ardnamurchan. It also affords us the chance to travel with him. Come for the score, get hooked by the words, stay for the images. Wow.