Glenfiddich 21 year old
Starting out eager and earnest, Mason grabbed a ‘bargain’ 21 year old Glenfiddich, only to discover that age and quality are not always synonymous in whisky.
Glenfiddich 15yo
Over a pleasant but discontinued Glenfiddich 15yo, Earie makes a plea to William Grant's over the lack of decent releases, but really he could be speaking to so many legacy brands in this piece.
Travel Retail Exclusive Quartet
When we love whisky so much, it’s hard to be brutal about some of the obvious negatives. Yet sometimes, when things are clearly wrong, we just have to call it out. This decision was not taken lightly.
Glenfiddich 12yo, 15yo & 18yo
Always on the hunt for a bargain, Ramsay discovers the full Glenfiddich age-stated core range on offer, but he keeps his canny head on and plumps for the (also discounted) mini-selection pack instead. Blunderous or inspired?