Linkwood-Glenlivet 1987
Did our challenging times during Lockdown actually offer us a few silver linings? Murdo offers a few possible examples which endure for him today, including discovering this knockout Cadenhead’s Linkwood.
Kilchoman Sanaig Cask Strength
Perhaps with St Valentine’s Day on his mind, Earie wonders what makes us fall in love with certain distilleries. He decides it’s less faff, more flavour and more indies. Some other stuff too.
Elements of Islay Peat & Sherry 10yo
Whisky brings solace and escapism in challenging times. After some fatigue, Earie finds his love of whisky geekery sparked once more. A very good indie Islay from Elixir’s Elements helps out.
Arran Sherry Cask
Anyone in for some Dry January? Thought not. Drummond has his own ideas and while he shares them, he does so over a high strength Isle of Arran; their Sherry Cask.
Springbank 12yo Cask Strength
Wally falls into a time-travelling dream where he imagines uncovering something whisky-precious, before waves of full-on 2024’s Springbank 12 Cask Strength snaps him back to the very real present.
Glenfarclas Cask Strength Comparison
As a firm fan of Glenfarclas, Murdo is frustrated by weak and unreliable official bottles - despite good prices. In today’s comparison of two fully natural releases, he makes an enthusiast’s plea.
Macallan Rich Cacao
Despite appearances, we don’t put real effort into giving Macallan a hard time at Dramface, the truth is, they’re taking care of things themselves. Nick throws a huff at The Harmony Rich Cacao.
Ardnahoe Duo
Wally kicks things off for 2025 with Ardnahoe’s core range Infinite Loch & exclusive Society bottling and hopes that they are harbingers of what could follow in whisky’s New Year.
Springbank Cage Duo
It’s been weeks since Murdo joined the fun in Glasgow, but he’s still buzzing about all the fun; and the people who have become friends since. He reminisces over two Springbank Cage prizes.
Bladnoch Alinta Reserve Peated
Breaking his bottle ban (he can’t help himself, we can all relate) Earie picks up a rarely-spotted peat and sherry Bladnoch. Was it worth the potential wrath of his significant other?
Glen Scotia Trio
Innes gets giddy while visiting the hidden gem that is Glen Scotia. Full of the distillery-visit-glow, he snags two single casks to compare with a favourite at home, wondering why it’s still ‘hidden’.
ArdnAmerica 2024
A nice segue on from yesterday’s article, Nick thinks about age statements with Ardnamurchan’s latest USA exclusive ArdnAmerica release. Cue NYC backdrops & deploy the Doog!
Bunnahabhain Staoisha Duo
Betrayal; that of friends and family, but also the worst kind; that of distilleries! Drummond and Ainsley team up over some peaty Bunnahabhain Staoisha to discuss the fickle relationship.
Bruichladdich Ternary Project
After some self-indulgent discussions via the Dramface podcast, Murdo weighs in with his own takes; on writing, scoring and responsibility, while enjoying a very rare Bruichladdich.
Bunnahabhain Fèis Ìle Duo
Future Broddy writes. Times change and priorities shift. With enough whisky to last him eight years, he's content. Then what? He chews it over with two Bunnahabhain Fèis Ìle releases.
Glenrothes 8yo
Earie has a think about the annual Online Scotch Whisky Awards, premiumisation and why he can only enjoy a delicious Glenrothes through an indie.
Balblair 15yo
The ever-vigilant Aengus asks an important question: Is Dramface drifting in its scoring? He fires up the data and dives in to find out... while enjoying a nice Balblair 15yo.
Edradour Duo
As autumn swings in and challenges us all to accept the changing of seasons, Fergus sits with two from one of his 'dirty' favourites: Edradour - an Un-chillfiltered vs a Straight from the Cask.
Caol Ila 12yo vs 5 Indys
Weekend sorted: exploring the idea you can't screw up a Caol Ila, Tav earns a gold star by lining up 5 indy bangers and comparing them all to the classic official 12yo.
Craigellachie 14yo Old Malt Cask
After a friend is confused by a sherry matured Craigellachie, Broddy is saddled with the task of assessing things. Facing impostor syndrome and another weird sherry cask, he does his best.