Scotch Whisky Murdo McAtear Scotch Whisky Murdo McAtear

Linkwood-Glenlivet 1987

Did our challenging times during Lockdown actually offer us a few silver linings? Murdo offers a few possible examples which endure for him today, including discovering this knockout Cadenhead’s Linkwood.

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Scotch Whisky Mason Mack Scotch Whisky Mason Mack

Johnnie Walker Red Label

While shopping for bits and bobs, Mason is hit by nostalgia from a cute 20cl bottle of Johnnie Walker Red. At only €7, he decides to have a little fun despite the inevitable disappointment of this modern blend.

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Scotch Whisky Fletcher Finlay Scotch Whisky Fletcher Finlay

Mannochmore 12yo

Never backward about coming forward, Fletcher shares his take on IBs, a popular 100º series as well as Woodrow’s recent reaction to it. All while savouring a cracking James Eadie Mannochmore.

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Scotch Whisky Fergus Mackay Scotch Whisky Fergus Mackay

Dalwhinnie 15yo

Nostalgic about his formative whisky days exploring supermarkets, Fergus arrives at the official 15yo Dalwhinnie. As a geek today, while he appreciates its value, we know where he goes from there…

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Scotch Whisky Ramsay Tavish Scotch Whisky Ramsay Tavish

Clynelish 14yo

After conquering his recent FOMO, Ramsay tries to banish his HAMO; Have Already Missed Out. Reviewing Clynelish - one of whisky's legends - makes him consider what's gone before.

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Scotch Whisky Paisley MacKinnon Scotch Whisky Paisley MacKinnon

Linkwood 14yo

The weather isn't enough to dampen Paisley's desire to return to a favourite Linkwood. She thinks it's the canny use of a refill cask that's made this bargain North Star release perfect for any season.

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Scotch Whisky Ainsley Fife Scotch Whisky Ainsley Fife

Linkwood 1990s Duo

Our Linkwood exploration continues, this time heading back to the 1990s with a Signatory and a Cadenhead’s head-to-head, which also gives Ainsley pause to consider the role of ABV.

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