The Independent Spirits Festival
Ainsley recounts the splendour of the recent Independent Spirits Festival held in Leith. This is just the kind of recap to make sure we see another year of this, and a perfect Fib Whisky Whitlaw to match up.
Mars Tsunuki 2022
Ainsley waves a flag for Japanese whisky, suggesting we place it on our radars once more, just don’t overpay & perhaps don’t start with this Tsunuki from Mars.
Daftmill 2011 Winter
Fergie evaluates the risks in paying considerably more for small-scale ‘artisanal’ products. In doing so he compares a recently acquired Daftmill to his beloved custom-made Dobro.
Deanston 18yo
An annual treat for Fergie is to splash out on an indulgent treat. Despite a previous false start, he chose Deanston and their 18yo. What did he discover? It’s a Dramface pile on.
Cadenhead’s Outturn
Cadenhead’s Original Collection and the Enigma Blends are perhaps the most likely of their releases to be found in the wider marketplace. Ainsley dives in to an entire outturn.
Thompson Bros X Campervan 8yo
If we’re serious about keeping whisky fun; should we really care too much about analysis? Over a Thompson Bros collab with Campervan, Ainsley fights for the case for the blind sofa pour.
Glasgow 2017 Oloroso
Ainsley returns from his first visit to Glasgow, low on health and finances, but high on life. He shares why; but needs to pull Wally in for a review of a special Glasgow oloroso single cask.
Balmenach 8yo
How to convey the breathless experience of the world’s Largest Whisky Show? We send in Ainsley. Who seems to drink the time of his life. Oh, and a lesser-seen Balmenach review, for value.
Bunnahabhain Staoisha Duo
Betrayal; that of friends and family, but also the worst kind; that of distilleries! Drummond and Ainsley team up over some peaty Bunnahabhain Staoisha to discuss the fickle relationship.
Ninkasi Chardonnay Cask
Following up on his epic wine cask cheat-sheet feature, Ainsley treats us to a super-interesting French bargain banger matured in a - you guessed it - French wine cask.
Kilkerran Heavily Peated Batch 7
After a sublime whisky-fuelled tasting event hosted by J&A Mitchell in Paris, Ainsley is inspired to crack open his smoky Kilkerran and usher in cooler evenings. Nice insider info here.
Hazelburn 10yo
Held up as an example in how to do things right, Ainsley reviews a Hazelburn 10 while sending an open letter to Ardbeg all about how they're doing it wrong. Very wrong.
Cù Bòcan 12yo Rum Cask
Some things turn out better than we expect, as Ainsley discovers with the recent Olympics. So, after smuggling some back from a trip, how about this rum finished Cù Bòcan?
Glen Ord Young vs Old
Ainsley brings a Glen Ord banger to a 90+ points whisky night and ends up contemplating what’s different about ‘older’ whiskies that are, in whisky terms, actually pretty young.
Linkwood 1990s Duo
Our Linkwood exploration continues, this time heading back to the 1990s with a Signatory and a Cadenhead’s head-to-head, which also gives Ainsley pause to consider the role of ABV.
Union Distillery Vintage 2005
The mule network kicks in to share mature Union Distillery malt with Ainsley in Paris and Wally in Scotland. Both tear into a surprising and well-priced 16yo cracker from Brazil.
BM (Bruno Mangin) 14yo Single Malt
There’s not only some whisky and casks up for sale, but an entire distillery too. It’s been making malt for 20 years and there’s little interest. Ainsley and Earie investigate.
Ardmore Trio - Official vs Indie
Another continental buddy up today as Earie and Ainsley pour over a trio of different takes on Ardmore while considering the pitfalls of brand loyalty.
Armorik 15yo
A buddy up review on Armorik, a French single malt with a considerable age-statement and, it would seem, a considerably impressive offering. Earie and Ainsley see what France is offering these days.
Edinburgh International Festival Blend 2023
Ainsley wonders three things as he sips the 2023 Festival Blend from J&A Mitchell: is 2024 finally the year of the blend?, isn’t grain whisky basically vodka?, and why are people paying £180 for a cheap sipper?