Scotch Whisky Broddy Balfour Scotch Whisky Broddy Balfour

Knockando 12yo 1991

Nostalgia remains very much part of whisky enjoyment long-term. In this review of a 1991 official Knockando, Broddy shares his own take on whisky nostalgia, while using a handy bell-curve to send it home.

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Scotch Whisky Hughie Cullen Scotch Whisky Hughie Cullen

Loch Lomond 12yo

Another debut for Dramface. Hughie, through multiple false starts, eventually falls for whisky, but not through the ‘typical’ route. His vibe is the off-piste flavour hooks & this Loch Lomond 12yo brings it.

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Scotch Whisky Fletcher Finlay Scotch Whisky Fletcher Finlay

Mannochmore 12yo

Never backward about coming forward, Fletcher shares his take on IBs, a popular 100º series as well as Woodrow’s recent reaction to it. All while savouring a cracking James Eadie Mannochmore.

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Scotch Whisky Innes Glenn Scotch Whisky Innes Glenn

Glen Scotia Trio

Innes gets giddy while visiting the hidden gem that is Glen Scotia. Full of the distillery-visit-glow, he snags two single casks to compare with a favourite at home, wondering why it’s still ‘hidden’.

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Scotch Whisky Wally Macaulay Scotch Whisky Wally Macaulay

Highland Park 12yo 2024

Continuing the theme this week on age statements, and over Highland Park’s new 12yo, Wally shares his thoughts on why age statements don’t matter in 2024, and also why they absolutely do.

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Scotch Whisky Broddy Balfour Scotch Whisky Broddy Balfour

Tomatin 12yo Then & Now

Self-declared Tomatin fanboy Broddy has a suspicion that we’re being fleeced; that quality is dropping and folk are being taken advantage of. Today, it’s poor ol’ Tomatin in his sights.

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Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw Scotch Whisky Ogilvie Shaw

Royal Brackla 12yo

Recognising a new reluctance in the human condition to reach out and connect, Ogilvie decides to start at home, using whisky as the weapon of choice and a Royal Brackla 12yo as ammunition. Does it work?

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