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Whisky Scores on Dramface

Let’s get this out of the way.

our poison could be your elixir

We could’ve spent hours deciding on what to do here, really. As a topic, it’s just as subjective as the scores themselves. In the end, it took about 3 minutes.

We have an advantage, however, our readers are pretty smart. They apply their own intelligence and read the context and back story (you do, don’t you?).

Well, no matter. One of the first things you’ll notice here at Dramface is that we hit you with the score at the get go. Right in your dramface. It’s the first thing you’ll see at the top of the article. There you go. Misery out of. Drive-bys can smash-and-grab and be on their merry way.

Better still, we’ve also offered a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) summary. We respect that some of you are ‘busy’.

But Dramface is about whisky. We take things easy here. We reflect before we share with you. We invite you to read on; understand the “whys”, the “hows” and the subtleties. Take a moment to discover context and what deserves what. We’ll do our best to share nosing and tasting notes too, to let you understand the profile and experience a little better. None of this is gospel.

But we do believe a score is important. We also hope it’ll become an important barometer, especially when coupled with your favourite Dramface contributors.

We have opted for the straightforward 1-10 where 5 is an average whisky, anything above is worthy, anything below, less so.

We really hope that you’re able to get a ‘feel’ for our scoring quite quickly. To help you, here’s a guide:

Download a hi-res PDF version of this guide here: Dramface Scoring PDF